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You are only human, after all!

Often, we start the week with good intentions and by the weekend, we realize the week flew by, and we didn't prioritize our fitness.

Welcome to being human!!

Here are the ways I ensure I'll spend time working out or doing yoga.

I book my studio classes in advance. Sign up now !!

I text friends for fitness/run meet-ups!

I schedule my workouts in my Google Calendar. That way, I get pop-up reminders.

I keep a handwritten fitness journal

I revisit my goals—each week.

I make sure my earpods are charging before I go to bed. I need music to road run.

I put my workout clothing out at night. Being organized helps.

Lets us help you, join a class or book 5 private sessions to kickstart your jiurney.

Click here for our fee schedule

Click here for our class schedule

Click here to email Sheree


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