We are open Virtually and In-Person !!
Please note all our yoga classes can be live streamed on Zoom. Need the link ? Email us before class and it will be sent to you. Please give us time to send the link.
Please note the studio is closed for Labour Day, September 2.
Please register 30 minutes prior to class by emailing sheree@livewithspirit.ca.
Or text Sheree @ (905) 620-1151
To participate in a drop-In class, you must email or text
Sheree @(905) 620-1151 30 minutes prior to class.
All our yoga and Pilates classes are available on Zoom, email us early enough so we have time to send you the zoom link.
To register for a classes email sheree@livewithspirit.ca ​
Personal training or Private Yoga sessions by appointment.
6.00 PM | Power Fit Pilates - (45 Minutes) Drop-in Class. A combination of classic and modern Pilates. This class is a great way to tone and strengthen your core. This class may incorporate a variety of props including small balls, large balls, magic circles, light weights and bands. All levels welcome.
7.00 PM | Beginners Yoga - (60 Minutes) Pre-Registered class. Join us in a well taught class for the new or returning student. Learn the moves in a safe space, spend time after class asking questions. This class is for you.
Start date: Monday January 13th.
6 weeks for $75.00 register on our pricing and plans page.​
Click here to go to our plans and pricing page.
To register for a classes email sheree@livewithspirit.ca
Personal Training or Private Yoga sessions by appointment.
6:00 PM | 7 x 7 Training - (45 Minutes) Drop-In class
Get measurable strength gains. In this class we do 7 exercises, 7 times for 7 weeks. Results are recorded. Get stronger, fitter and better cardio. A combination of exercises will strengthen the whole body.
7:00PM | New Class Coming soon !! Check back next week.
Click here to go to our plans and pricing page.
Personal Training or Private Yoga sessions by appointment.
6:00 PM | PowerFit Kettlebell Workout - (45 Minutes) Drop-In Class
A Kettlebell class, using a variety of kettlebells you will experience, the many benefits of using kettlebells. Including cardio, strength and power. There is no other piece of equipment that allows for the versatility and creativity of kettlebells.
7:00 PM | Peaceful Hatha Yoga Level 1-2 -(60 Minutes) Drop-In Class
A gentle class suitable for all levels, using breath, gentler yoga, and meditation to revitalize you for the rest of your week. (60 mins) All levels welcome.
Click here to go to our plans and pricing page.
To register for a classes email sheree@livewithspirit.ca
6:00 PM | You had me at Ropes - (45 Minutes) Drop-In class
In this class we work hard and have fun. If you've taken this class before you know how great it is. Its a full body workout done circuit style. Get ready to build muscle and create a strong you. Start date June 27th.
8 Weeks for $130.00 plus hst. Members use your monthly membership or class passes .
To register for this class e-transfer $146.90 to sheree@livewithspirit.ca or
pay on our pricing and plans page
Click here to go to our plans and pricing page.
8:00 AM | Drop In Hatha Yoga online
Join us in the privacy of your own home for a Hatha yoga class, live on Zoom. Hatha Yoga is a gentler style of yoga.
Email sheree@livewithspirit.ca for the zoom link.
Personal Training or Private Yoga sessions by appointment.
To book your private training or yoga sessions email sheree@livewithspirit.ca ​
Click here to go to our plans and pricing page.
To register for a classes email sheree@livewithspirit.ca
9:30 AM | Power Flow Yoga - (60 minuntes) Drop in Class Dynamic movement linked to the breath. This class will help you release the stress from your week and energize you for the weekend. All levels welcome.
Click here to go to our plans and pricing page.
To register for a virtual or in studio classes
email sheree@livewithspirit.ca​
Yoga Teacher Training
Check our Teacher Training page for the 2021 course schedule. You can be a teacher and transform your life!! Click on the following link for more details
We now offer Advanced Yoga teacher training. Click on the following link for the course schedule
Call or text Sheree @ (905) 620-1151 to book your personal training session or to book a private consultation to discuss your goals.
Note: Yoga Teacher Training is held Saturday and Sunday one weekend a month. If you are interested in deepening your own yoga practice or becoming a yoga teacher please email sheree@livewithspirit.ca for information.
Please see our Specialty class schedule for more information on pre-registered classes.
​To register or for more information call (905) 620-1151 or email sheree@livewithspirit.ca